Wolfgang Laib – Here, Now and Far Beyond

Wolfgang Laib – Here, Now and Far Beyond

Wolfgang Laib was born in Metzingen in 1950 and has lived near Biberach in Baden-Württemberg for over 30 years. For the first time, a film realized as part of the exhibition accompanies the artist at his work in Upper Swabia and at his second home in South India and captures these areas of life relevant to his artistic work.

Wolfgang Laib – Here, Now and Far Beyond
  • Wolfgang Laib – Here, Now and Far Beyond

    Wolfgang Laib wurde 1950 in Metzingen geboren und hat seit über 30 Jahren seinen Lebensmittelpunkt in der Nähe von Biberach in Baden-Württemberg. Erstmalig begleitet ein im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Wolfgang Laib. The Beginning of Something Else" des Kunstmuseums Stuttgart realisierter Film den Kün...